
secondary preventionthe various aspects of

Secondary Prevention:

The various aspects of  secondary prevention are: 

1)  Early Diagnosis  and  Case Finding 

This can be achieved by  educating the public and community leaders, industrialists, Mahila Mandals, Balwadis workers in how  to recognize early symptoms  'of  mental illness. Seek the help of  the public health nurses. They can play very  important role in this area.  

2)  Early  Reference The public should be educated to refer  these cases  to proper hospitals as soon as  they recognize early symptoms of mental illness. 

3)  . Screening Programmes Simple questionnaires should be developed to identify the symptoms of mental illness, and administration of  the same in the community for early identification of  cases. These questionnaires can be simplified in local languages, and used widely in the colleges, schools, industries, etc. 

4)  Early  and Effective Treatment Early and effective treatment will help in quick recovery and prevent setting in of chronicity. 

5)  Mental Health Education This could be carried out be conducting mass camps and through flim shows, flash cards, and also through mass media communication. 

6)  Training of Health Personnel Orientation courses to enable the members of  the care-giving profession to detect cases early in  the course of  their rounine work  should be conducted. They may be trained to handle problems, which they could refer to appropriate agencies.  

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Biology: secondary preventionthe various aspects of
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