
sears list of subject



Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH) is  an abridged version of the Library of Congress Subject Headings, named after the first compiler Minnie Earl Sears. It was in response to a demand from small and medium-sized libraries for a list of subject headings that Sears compiled this list to be less comprehensive and more suited to the needs of all medium-sized public and school libraries that were known to  be well catalogued. Recognizing the need for uniformity, Sears brought  out  SLSH, particularly to help those librarians that were using LC catalogue cards or wishing to add headings on the basis of this list. Presently it is in fifteenth edition, published by the well known bibliographic publishers H.W. Wilson Company. SLSH is widely used today in and outside USA by small and medium-sized libraries. 

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