Information Report: Searching for Career Information
Gather information about a career or position in which you might be interested. learn about the nature of the job. discover whether certification, a license, or experience is required. one of the best places to search is the latest Occupational Outlook Handbook. Use a search engine such as Google to locate the handbook, sponsored by the U.S. bureau of labor statistics. click the OOH Search/A-Z Index link; then search for a specific job title or search the alphabetic list for an occupation.
Your Task. write an information report to your instructor that describes your target career area. discuss the nature of the work, working conditions, necessary qualifications, and the future job outlook for the occupation. Include information about typical salary ranges and career paths. If your instructor wants an extended report, collect information about two companies where you might apply. Investigate each company’s history, products and/or services, size, earnings, reputation, and number of employees. describe the functions of an employee working in the position you have investigated. To do this, interview one or more individuals who are working in that position. devote several sections of your report to the specific tasks, functions, duties, and opinions of these individuals. You can make this into a recommendation report by drawing conclusions and making recommendations. one conclusion that you could draw relates to success in this career area. who might be successful in this field?
Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.