1. Construct a table/list of pros and cons for selecting:
XLPE, EPR and PILC (voltage range 15 kV to 35 kV)
2. Search the web for status of and report on an installation of "Super Conductor" Cable, 2-3 pages.
3. Make a list of insulation life enhancing characteristics and compare to insulation damaging characteristics - internal and external to the insulation.
4. Alternating Current and Direct Current were rival concepts in the early days of electricity - select 2 other interesting historical facts and report on these.
5. Who was the Cable manufacturer that was awarded the 400 kV XLPE cable system for the Bewag Project?
6. The first 345 kV XLPE installation in the U.S. was installed by what utility? And who was the manufacturer of the cable?
7. Who built the first high voltage XLPE factory? Who built the second and what is the difference between the two factories?