
Search the web for news on computer security breaches that

Question: Task:

Part A: Answer the following question:

Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during September-December 2015. Research one such reported incident. Prepare a report focusing on what the problem was, how and why it occurred and what are the possible solutions.

Length: Around 800 words

Part B: Research about any popular hack case on the web which happened between 2012 and 2016 (For example, one very popular hack case is JPMorgan chase hack case (2015)) and prepare a report focusing on the following questions:

• What was the problem?

• Who were affected and how?

• How was the attack carried out?

• What could have been done to prevent the attack?

Length: Around 900 words


This assessment task is based on the following topics discussed in the subject: the overview of Information security fundamentals, security threats, cryptography, malicious software and its countermeasures, operating system security and software security.

The assessment task is aligned with the following learning outcomes of the subject:

On successful completion of this subject, students will

• be able to justify security goals and the importance of maintaining the secure computing environment against digital threats;

• be able to explain the fundamental concepts of cryptographic algorithms;

• be able to examine malicious activities that may affect the security of a computer program and justify the choice of various controls to mitigate threats.

• be able to compare and contrast the security mechanisms of a trusted operating system with those used in a general purpose operating system;

Marking criteria

Part A: Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during September-December 2015. Research one such reported incident. Prepare a report focusing on what the problem was, how and why it occurred and what are the possible solutions.

1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research.

2. Referenced a wide range of appropriate sources.

Referencing style correctly used.

1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research. Minor omissions only.

2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources. Referencing style correctly used. Minor errors only.

1. Mostly well-researched and well-presented report addressing all criteria. Some omissions.

2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources.

Referencing style correctly used. Some errors and omissions.

1. Partially complete report addressing most of the criteria. Evidence of research. Some omissions.

2. Referenced some appropriate sources.

Referencing style mostly correctly used. Some errors and omissions.

1. Major omissions or incorrect answers.

2. Either no evidence of literature being consulted or cited references irrelevant to the assignment set. Major errors in referencing style.

Possible marks 10.0 - 8.5 8.4-7.5 7.49 - 6.5 6.49 -5.0 4.99 - 0

Part B: Research any popular hack case on the web which happened between 2012 and 2016 (One very popular example is JPMorgan chase hack case (2015)) and prepare a report focusing on the following questions

• What was the problem?

• Who were affected and how?

• How was the attack carried out?

• What could have been done to prevent the attack?

1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research.

2. Referenced a wide range of appropriate sources.

Referencing style correctly used.

1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research. Minor omissions only.

2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources. Referencing style correctly used. Minor errors only.

1. Mostly well-researched and well-presented report addressing all criteria. Some omissions.

2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources.

Referencing style correctly used. Some errors and omissions.

1. Partially complete report addressing most of the criteria. Evidence of research. Some omissions.

2. Referenced some appropriate sources.

Referencing style mostly correctly used. Some errors and omissions.

1. Major omissions or incorrect answers.

2. Either no evidence of literature being consulted or cited references irrelevant to the assignment set. Major errors in referencing style.


• You are recommended to write the answers in a word document and submit it via Turnitin. You can also submit your document in pdf format as well.

• Your answers to the questions should be precise but complete and informative.

• APA reference style must be used throughout the document with the bibliography not counted in the page limit.

• A cover page must be included and should contain relevant identifying information.

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Management Theories: Search the web for news on computer security breaches that
Reference No:- TGS02256980

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