
Search the mmc in the internet and provide a brief

Task: Read the short case and answer all 4 questions

MMC: Money down the drain or failed HRM?

`Modernising Medical Careers' (MMC) is an online programme for postgraduate medical training introduced in the UK from 2005 onwards. IT was devised and implemented by a think tank at the central policy offices of the National Health Service (NHS). For many years there have been concerns about the UK medical workforce, in particular the postgraduate medical training system. The most prominent of these centred on the poor training and indifferent career prospects experienced by some doctors at Senior House Officer (SHO) level and by many of those in Staff Grade and Associate Specialist (SAS) posts (Attached).

Therefore, the Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) programme of work was established in 2003 to address these difficulties. In this line, MMC was intended to 'improve patient care by improving medical education with a transparent and efficient career path for doctors'.


1) Search the MMC in the Internet and provide a brief description of its FIRM strategy and practices.

2) What factors and practices do you believe are important in explaining the failure of MMC from a Human Resource Management Perspective?

3) What FIRM strategies would you recommend for this organization? Why have you chosen them?

4) What FIRM policies and practices would you suggest towards improving the function and publicity of MMC?

Please REFERENCE all sources using the Harvard Referencing System

Attachment:- Modernising Medical Careers.rar

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: Search the mmc in the internet and provide a brief
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