
Search the internet using a credible source and determine

Using two credible sources, research the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) debate. Based on theresearch, answer the following questions:

1. Assuming that the estimates are correct, and oil from ANWR achieves the 710,000-barrel level in2030, based on projected consumption, what percentage of our total oil consumption will besupplied by ANWR?

2. Search the Internet using a credible source and determine the total number of miles traveled in theUnited States last year.

3. Create a table comparing the gallons of gasoline consumed in the United States for passenger carsand trucks for 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Look at the changes in miles per gallon for cars andtrucks over these years and determine the overall percent change.

4. A gallon of crude oil does not mean a gallon of gasoline. The conversion of oil to gasoline throughdistillation at a refinery depends on several factors, including the quality of the crude oil, theefficiency of the refinery, the product mix desired by the refiner (e.g., diesel fuel, home heating oil,jet fuel, and so on), and so forth. In general, in a 42-gallon barrel of crude oil, refining yields 19.5gallons of gasoline. Based on this and all the information in this problem set, determine how manyyears ANWR would be able to supply our gasoline (not total petroleum) needs if it were our solesource. Support your answer with calculations and clearly identify any assumptions that you made.

5. Based on your answer to Question 4, discuss drilling in ANWR purely from an energy supplyperspective. Support a position regarding drilling in ANWR from an energy and an environmentalperspective.

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Science: Search the internet using a credible source and determine
Reference No:- TGS02481057

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