
Search for relevant articles to develop a robust

Answer the following Short essay questions. Each question’s answer should be 500 words and referenced with relevant up-to-date sources (Journal articles), at least 4 APA referencesfor each question.

You should consult relevant reading materials and conduct further search for relevant articles to develop a robust theoretical discussion and application

Q1) (500 words)

a) Research and discuss the concept of “Status consumption”.

b) What status consumption is, and how a marketer might be able to utilise status to market a specific brand or product type. 

Q2)(500 words)

a) Research and discuss the role of materialism and religion in the spread of global consumption.

b) How might materialism and religion help or hinder the spread of a global consumption culture? 

Q3) (500 words)

a) To what extent should marketers consider the negative effects of compulsive shopping in their advertising and in-store promotions?

b) Do marketers have any responsibility regarding the problem of compulsive shopping? 

Hint: try to get both views on this issue:

It is not the marketers’ responsibility to consider such issues.

Marketers should take full responsibility and do something to manage.

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Management Theories: Search for relevant articles to develop a robust
Reference No:- TGS0651463

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