
scripting systems- computer animationscripting

Scripting Systems- Computer Animation

Scripting Systems are the earliest type of motion control systems. Scripting systems permit object specifications and animation sequence to be explained along with a user input Script. and from such script, a variety of different objects and motions can be made. Thus, to write the script the animator utilizes any of the scripting languages. Hence, the user should learn this language and the system. Several scripting systems are PAWN that is an embedded scripting language formerly termed as small along with syntax as same to C, ASAS that is Actor Script Animation Language that has syntax like as LISP.

ASAS introduced the idea of an actor that is a complicated object that has its own animation rules. For illustration, in animating a bicycle, the wheels will rotate in their own coordinate system and the animator doesn't require worrying regarding this detail. Actors can communicate along with other actors by sending messages and thus can synchronize their movements. It is as same to the behavior of objects in object- oriented languages.

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Computer Graphics: scripting systems- computer animationscripting
Reference No:- TGS0412287

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