Assignment Problem: This module's response asks you to reflect on the screening social injustice course as a whole, thinking about some bigger picture questions and also reflecting on your own learning experience. You can use the following questions to guide your response, but are free to reflect on the course in whatever way you choose.
1. What surprised you about the screening social injustice course?
- What did you expect and how was your experience aligned with or different from what you imagined before we began?
2. What topics did you find most engaging?
- What topics interested you in surprising or novel ways?
- Did you come to a new understanding of concepts or experiences you were already familiar with?
- What additional topics would you add to the course?
3. What concepts, frameworks, or modes of thinking will you take away from this course?
- How will they change the way you think about film and/or social justice?
4. What role do you think cinema (or media more generally) can play in the struggles for justice and equality?
- What critiques have you sharpened in the class?
- What elements of social justice cinema have you gained a new appreciation for?
- What elements do you find newly problematic?
5. What advice would you give to yourself at the beginning of the course if you could?