
Scope of demography and its relation to economics

Question 1: Answer the given questions (any ten):

a) Define the term Demography.
b) What do you mean by population explosion?
c) Define the fertility.
d) State the meaning of Optimum Population.
e) What do you mean by internal migration?
f) Give two characteristics of Census.
g) Define Death Rate.
h) What do you mean by Child Mortality?
i) State the meaning of Life Expectancy.
j) Give two objectives of child health policy.
k) What do you mean by Population projection?
l) What do you mean by International migration?
m) Define Family welfare.

Question 2: Answer the given questions (any two):

a) What are the main components of population growth?

b) State the factors influencing distribution of population.

c) What are the salient features of 2001 Census of India?

d) Describe the concept of Woman Empowerment.

Question 3: Answer the given questions (any two):

a) Describe the factors influencing fertility in less developed countries.

b) Take a review of characteristics and methodology used for Census in India.

c) Describe in detail the characteristics of National Family Health Survey – I.

d) Which are the changing characteristics of population in India?

Question 4: Answer the given questions (any two):

a) Describe the nature and scope of Demography and its relation to Economics, Ecology and Sociology.

b) Describe in detail the causes of Migration.

c) Analyze the changing characteristics of population in India.

d) Critically assess the Indian population policy.

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Econometrics: Scope of demography and its relation to economics
Reference No:- TGS05743

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