
Scm supply chain management


Develop a 1,050 word (minimum) research paper describing typical features of the system software in the selected category (SCM). In the paper include the following:

1. The selected category (SCM), and the definition.

2. The purpose of the SCM system for an organization (select a medium/large organization/business of your choice to use for the paper)

3. The business value the software brings to an organization (explain the value to the following applicable areas of your selected organiztion:

a. Operations, Finance, HR, Logistics/Warehouse, Sales, Executives)

b. List and define at least 5 functions of the system.

4. What IT staff will be required to supprt the system, and what business staff will be required and if any staff will need to be re-allocated or layed-off as a result of the system implementation.

Summary: An explanation of how the software is used by organizations to generate value.

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Business Management: Scm supply chain management
Reference No:- TGS01792902

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