
Scientific research ii hypotheses

Question1. Write an article about Basic Elements in the Scientific Research-II Hypotheses?

Question2. Describe Primary and Secondary Sources of the data. Make a distinction between primary data and secondary data.

Question3. Describe the term Median and Mode. Mention the silent characteristics of Median. Evaluate Median and Mode from the given data.

Question4. What do you understand by the term Correlation?  Describe the merits and drawbacks of Karl Pearson’s Correlation Co-efficient.

Question5. Describe the nature and scope of the social demography. Elucidate on the importance of demographic studies.

Question6. Illustrate out Malthusian theory of population and also critically measure Malthusian theory of the population.

Question7. Briefly describe the push and pull factors of the migration.

Question8. Describe about the Challenges of the Population Growth.

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Other Subject: Scientific research ii hypotheses
Reference No:- TGS05192

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