
Scientific management theory was developed by a theorist

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Scientific management theory was developed by a theorist called Frederick Taylor, he developed this theory to improve the work efficiency. (Dininni, 2017) This theory asserts that every management body must identify the best ways to get the work done efficiently, this includes ways to train workers who are would competent to produce the best in what they are assigned to do. Setting up a reward system for the workers to improve their productivity is also one of the main goals for this theory (Dininni, 2017)

Hospitals could use this theory to design their management structure, staffing and units to care for a specific number of patients. A nurse manager would utilize this theory to evaluate nurses' performances based on the set objectives, evaluate the number of patients seen, and documentation details. (Feigenbaum, 2017) This theory strongly believes that incentives and rewards are the driving forces behind good performance and increased productivity. When a worker is rewarded, he puts in his/her best.

Inefficient routines

One of the routines I noticed working in the nursing home is that most of the times, some of the prescribed medications are not reviewed for several weeks or even months, especially topical medications. The nurses would be signing in the MAR that the medication was given for a very long time even though the patient's symptoms are no longer there, simply because the medication was not reviewed by the prescriber and discontinued.

Another problem is the lack of communication among the nurses, some nurses forgets to document important information about patients care sometimes, for example patient's follow-up appointment and lab results. The management decided to eliminate the unit managers due to financial problems, then shifting the workloads of the managers to floor nurses who have huge workloads, causing some nurses to quit, then creating staff shortage.

Participative decision

Involving everyone including the house keepers to spot and report change in condition on the residents. This was the idea of the nurses to involve other staff to report any change of condition using "stop and watch paper". For example, if you notice a resident was not limping yesterday, but limping today, you must report that to the nurse for assessment. This effort has helped identify even small skin breaks for prompt intervention.


Dininni. J (2017) Management Theory of Frederick Taylor.

Feigenbaum. E. (2017) Theories in Healthcare Management. eHow.

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Dissertation: Scientific management theory was developed by a theorist
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