
Scientific knowledge-are we confused about science

Scientific Knowledge: Are we confused about science?  Are we headed toward scientific illiteracy?

This first writing assignment will focus on applying your understanding of the Science and the context of scientific understandings. It will be based on the readings in the Scientific Method and Science and Society Modules. This assessment will also test your understanding of the Writing and Research expectations for the course explained in the Writing and Research Module (formerly called the Library Resources Module). Please read these directions completely and carefully; all the information you need to do well on this assignment is contained within the attached document. If you have questions regarding this assignment, please use the Oncourse chatroom.

Specific Instructions:

Links from Instructions:

1) Watch the Bill Nye versus Ken Ham debate that was broadcast live on YouTube on February 4, 2014. (The debate doesn’t start until 12:00 minutes into the video.)

Please note that this is a very long debate, but you only have to watch the 30 minute presentations from each presenter and the rebuttals.

2) Read this article from NPR, U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math, Reading, Science.

3) Read Yu Xie’s article from Issues in Science and Technology, Is U.S. Science in Decline, paying close attention to the sections “What do data reveal?”, “Causes for anxiety”, and “Science in a new world order”.

4) Review the required readings for the Scientific Method and Science and Society Modules, especially, the Nature of Science and the Scientific Method article by Christine McLelland.

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