
Science in europe throughout iron age

Question 1:

a) Explain the factors that decide the broad area of scientific activity?
b) Describe in brief the scientific and technical achievements of the Bronze Age?

Question 2:

a) Describe the factors which led to the decline of Science in Europe throughout Iron Age.
b) What were the major features of the social organization in the Gupta Empire which led to a great enhancement in Science and Technology? Describe in brief some development in astronomy throughout this period.

Question 3:

a) Analyze the factors which impeded the growth of Science in the medieval times.
b) Compare the Asian and European societies of the period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century and analyze the features of the European society that helped the birth of modern Science.

Question 4:

a) Describe the shaping of Science and Technology policies in the post-independence phase of your country.
b) Explain the evolution of a neutron star.

Question 5:

a) Describe Darwin theory of natural selection. Why it was unacceptable to most people of that time? 
b) What is remote sensing and how does it help in exploration of different natural sources.

Question 6:

a) Describe how the application of scientific knowledge has made better agriculture possible under diverse conditions.
b) List the diseases caused by malnutrition and deficiency of Vitamins-Minerals. What are the precautions one must take while cooking so as to retain maximum amount of vitamins in the food?

Question 7:

a) Differentiate between infectious and non-infectious diseases. Describe in brief how the infectious diseases travel from one person to the other.
b) Aggression is a fundamental instinct in animals while it is a learned behavior in human being. Do you agree with this statement? Validate you answer.

Question 8:

a) Describe the role of communication in bridging the cultural gap between the societies.
b) Describe the significance of R&D in industrial growth and national development.

Question 9:

a) Give reason for the advantages of our technological development not reaching all strata of our society. 
b) The immense potential of science and technology has set human kind rethinking regarding its use:  Describe this statement with the help of some illustrations.

Question 10: Explain the applications of the given technologies:

a) Laser 
b) Fiber optics 
c) Artificial satellites  
d) Biotechnology 

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History: Science in europe throughout iron age
Reference No:- TGS05775

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