You are required to answer all the given questions. Each answer must be in around 500 words.
Question 1: Describe the main domains of school psychology. Highlight the challenges before school psychologists in India.
Question 2: How is school psychology dissimilar from educational psychology? What is the role and functions of school psychologist?
Question 3: Distinguish between mental retardation and learning disability. Describe the educational and vocational program for the rehabilitation of MR Child.
Question 4: What do you mean by the term problem behavior? Describe the methods for conducting functional behavioral assessment.
Question 5: In brief discuss different kinds of childhood disorders.
Question 6: Describe methods for counseling children with ADHD and conduct disorder.
Question 7: Analyze the different kind of child rearing practices and how behavior problems are associated to them.
Question 8: Art as therapy and art in therapy, describe. What are the benefits of art therapy?
Question 9: Critically assess play therapy in terms of its success in treating children with problem behavior.
Question 10: Write short notes on the given terms:
a) Exceptional child.
b) Future of school psychology.