
Scholarly sources and paraphrasing


Scholarly Sources and Paraphrasing

1) Is this website consider a scholarly source LIVESTRONG.COM? Retrieved from, www.ehow.com/...7229251_advantages-intelligence-testing.html

2) What is another way to paraphrase this paragraph below? Paraphrase this paragraph.

Since the IQ tests can identify the potential for academic achievement, schools can begin to develop students in a way that takes advantage of their natural talents. If a child's talents are developed correctly, he has the potential to maximize his skills to be beneficial to society. For instance, if an IQ test shows that the child has some talent in math and science, those interests and talents can be developed to help the child get into a medical, research, or engineering field. This helps a society keep a steady supply of people who can provide benefits, making life better for all of their citizens.

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English: Scholarly sources and paraphrasing
Reference No:- TGS01925680

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