
Schematize the recommendation offered in the passage

Assignment task: Use the following passage to answer a-d: Another reason [that we should get rid of standardized testing] is that because so much emphasis is placed on standardized test results these days, teachers are spending more time teaching the test. If there is something that is interesting. compelling, or useful to the development of a student's education, but it is not going to be on the standardized test, then there really isn't any incentive to cover this material. Instead. most of classroom time consists of either taking the tests or preparing for the tests, and this shuts out the possibility of learning anything new or important. You always hear students complaining about not using anything they learn in the class, in the real world. Now is the time to change that. -Christian Gallardo, Nov. 15. 2021 Chapin Chronicle

a) Schematize the recommendation offered in the passage using the standard 3 claim form we have used in class for recommendations (you do not need to include the prediction and diagnosis tributaries).

b) State one connecting condition assumed by the prediction

c) What diagnosis underwrites the recommendation? Provide a rival undermining diagnosis. d) Provide an objection to S3 in the recommendation.

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