
scenario you have been recently appointed as a


You have been recently appointed as a crisis manager for a large shared centre located in New York. The main reason for you to be present as a manager is a very high Staff attrition (the percentage number of staff recruited in a given year who leave the organisation). The staff is de-motivated and performance worsens every day. There is low morale, people are complaining that they have too much work to do, they are taking extended breaks. Generally, performance is at the worst it has ever been.

On successful completion of this assignment you will be able to:  

  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the challenges and issues relevant to Organisational Behaviour as highlighted in the question.
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of current issues in Organisational Behaviour.
  • Apply academic knowledge to the problems stated in the questions.
  • Develop management and research skills relevant to the Organisational Behaviour context.
  • Analyse and critically asses the relevant theories and connect them to real world examples.


Your Task

Present a crisis management consulting report consisting the following elements:  

Executive summary- a page summarizing the main points of the report - should say the complete story - sometimes CEOs are busy and they have time to read just executive summary instead of the whole document 

Clients Requirements - Brief statement about the company, the opportunities or issues it faces and the scope of the project. Background statement should aim to convey the fact that the consultant team understands the key issue or issues and is committed to addressing them. A brief description of the business and its situation. 

 Overall Aim - A statement of what the consulting project aims to achieve in very broad terms. This might be thought of as the mission statement from which definite objectives might be drawn.   

Objectives (meeting SMARTER criteria) - This is a list of the detailed objectives of the project Objectives should be active; they are statements of what the consulting project will do. E.g. 'To establish a power culture by giving all power to one person by 3/2013' 

 Outcomes - Subtly different from objectives. This is more about what the business will be able to do as a result of receiving the consulting exercise and the delivery of its objectives. Again they should be active. As a result of this consulting exercise (Objective 1, 2, 3...) the business/client will be able to.... and will benefit from.   

Both outcomes and objectives are best summarized in the form of a bullet point list.

Objectives and outcomes if correctly written will be complete in themselves. 


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Operation Management: scenario you have been recently appointed as a
Reference No:- TGS0218354

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