Scenario-workplace misconducts


My employer forced me to sign a medical consent form and meet with its psychologist for a psychological assessment and consultation to determine the underlying reason(s) for my alleged workplace misconducts and resolve the situation. The psychologist knew I had met with him via an INVOLUNTARY consent yet he still went ahead with the psychological assessment.

Response the following ethical questions:

(1) Should he still have gone ahead with the psychological assessment being that my employer forced me to meet with him?

(2) Who (my employer or the psychologist) is responsible to reveal the diagnosis to me?

(3) Being that it was a CLIENT-based consultation, was there a clinician-patient relationship created and a duty of care responsibility toward the patient?

(4) He told my employer that due to only 4 sessions, there wasn't time enough to ADEQUATELY establish a therapeutic alliance with me, the client/patient. Was there a psychologist-patient relationship created as a result of him beginning therapy with me, but not completing it?

(5) Should an assessing psychologist also take on the role of a therapist?

(6) If an assessing psychologist came up with a diagnosis of a 'severe' mental disorder, should he leave it up to the employer to tell the employee?

(7) Isn't the withholding of a diagnosis and the denial of treatment unethical in that they violated the "do no harm to the patient" rule?

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HR Management: Scenario-workplace misconducts
Reference No:- TGS02020937

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