
Scenario-she was never in my car

Discuss the below:

Hair Evidence

After watching She Was Never in My Car discuss the scenario below.

You are given the black hairs collected from the car seat of the possible suspect in this case. These hairs could be human or animal. How would you go about analyzing and comparing these samples? In court, the Defense challenges your findings in this case as circumstantial. How might you defend your trace evidence?

The body of your post should be at least 250 words in length.

Arson Dogs

Arson dogs are useful tools for finding accelerants in locations where human investigators cannot. Some believe that arson dogs and their indication of possible accelerant residue should not be used as evidence in court.

Do you think arson dogs come up with better results than a chemical sniffer? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your opinion.

If your last name begins with M-Z, argue your opinion for preventing arson dog findings to be entered into court.

The body of your post should be at least 250 words in length.

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Other Subject: Scenario-she was never in my car
Reference No:- TGS01972739

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