
Scale of operation largesmall role of chain stores


The product that i want to market it is FIFA SOCCER VIDEO GAMES and i would like to target china market

A. Retailers

1. Number of retailers

2. Typical size of retail outlets

3. Customary markup for various classes of goods

4. Methods of operation (cash/credit)

5. Scale of operation (large/small)

6. Role of chain stores, department stores, and specialty shops

B. Wholesale middlemen

1. Number and size

2. Customary markup for various classes of goods

3. Method of operation (cash/credit)

C. Import/export agents

D. Warehousing

E. Penetration of urban and rural markets

I. Media This section reports data on all media available within the country or market. Later, you will select specific media as part of the promotional mix and strategy.

A. Availability of media

B. Costs

1. Television

2. Radio

3. Print

4. Internet

5. Other media (cinema, outdoor, etc.)

C. Agency assistance

D. Coverage of various media

E. Percentage of population reached by each medium

II. Executive summary After completing the research for this report, prepare a two-page (maximum) summary of the major economic points and place it at the front

III. Sources of information

IV. Appendixes

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Operation Management: Scale of operation largesmall role of chain stores
Reference No:- TGS02135840

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