Two water tanks (A and B) supplied from different sources are on hilltops on either side of a town. Another (Tank C) is on a small rise in the village. Mains from each meet at a point “J” in the town center at El 510. Tank “C” is both local storage for close fire supply and also to maintain pressure at such high use rates. Typical water levels in the tanks are listed below
Tank A is El 550. 2000’ of 15” dia riveted steel pipe runs from A to J. Call this line #1.
Tank B is El 530. 3000’ of 18” dia cast iron pipe runs from B to J. Call this line #2.
Tank C is El 500. 500’ of 15” dia C. I. pipe runs from C to J. Call this line #3.
a.Find the Q’s and the HGL at the junction. What proportion of the supply to Tank C comes from each of A and B? Use either the text or the handout (multiple pipes) method.
b. Say the availability of supply is 60% to, and through Tank “A”, and 40% supplying tank B. Is this close to the transmission capacity within the system to J and C? If not, what do you suggest?
c. At full valve opening, so the Q’s you calculated above are being delivered. What population can be served if average daily demand is 100 gal/day/capita, with a peaking factor Qpesk / Qavg = 5 at the morning and early evening peaks (which means not depleting the Tank C storage at all).