
Sarbanes oxley is a law created by congress

1. The expression that a company is highly differentiated means they are a multi-divisional, multi-product company;

A. These divisions are managed at the CEO and CFO level

B. Run by general managers who are responsible for managing all of the functional de departments within the division and retain responsibility for divisional performance

C. R&D and distribution are usually not included in the functional process overseen by the general manager. Those functions fall under corporate oversight.

2. “Sarbanes Oxley” is a law created by congress to;

A. Help regulators with preventing unethical behavior at the senior management and board levels

B. Place the entire burden of fraudulent accounting on companies’ auditors

C. Requires senior management with board seats and all board members to personally sign off on a company’s financial statements, which makes board members liable for fraudulent activity. The company’s auditors are also held responsible for the quality and truthfulness of all financial reporting.

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Operation Management: Sarbanes oxley is a law created by congress
Reference No:- TGS02917165

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