Sarasota corporation began operations on january 1 2014

Question - Sarasota Corporation began operations on January 1, 2014. During its first 3 years of operations, Sarasota reported net income and declared dividends as follows.

Net income Dividends declared

2014 $43,300$ -0-

2015 127,900 52,400

2016 165,300 51,100

The following information relates to 2017.

Income before income tax $227,400

Prior period adjustment: understatement of 2015 depreciation expense (before taxes) $25,900

Cumulative decrease in income from change in inventory methods (before taxes) $41,100

Dividends declared (of this amount, $25,900 will be paid on January 15, 2018) $103,500

Effective tax rate 40%

What is the 2017 retained earnings statement for Sarasota Corporation?

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Accounting Basics: Sarasota corporation began operations on january 1 2014
Reference No:- TGS02489492

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