1. NCI: Nonviolent Crisis Intervention discusses the 5 steps of the Verbal Escalation Continuum. Identify and define each step of the continuum and provide examples of student behaviors that may be evident at each level. When does the concept of "therapeutic rapport" take place and what does the acronym LUN.A. R. stand for?
2. Gender concepts and theories of gender were major themes through the course discussions and Santrock textbook. Discuss the concepts of "gender", "gender identity", "gender roles", and "gender typing". How do society/media, culture, and school/peers impact gender concepts throughout different stages of child and adolescent development.
3. Erikson developed an 8-stage Psychosocial Theory of Development while Piaget focused on a 4-stage Cognitive Development Theory. Compare/Contrast the two theories and provide an explanation of each stage within each theory.
4. Language is the most vital form of communication whether it is spoken, written, or signed. How can parents, educators, and other influential adults help facilitate language development? Identify and discuss the major areas of the brain dedicated towards language. Be sure to identify and explain the difference between receptive and expressive language as well as the sections of the brain dedicated to each. Concepts such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics can also be utilized.
5. Santrock discusses both temperaments and attachment styles of babies. Identify and define the 3 types of temperament as well as the 4 types of attachment. Make sure to provide a thorough explanation and examples of each.