
Sample of one document template include the software

Assessment Task: Presentation

When designing documents, it is essential that you know what your client (stakeholders) expectations for the document design. You will need to be prepared to deliver relevant training sessions, presentations or workshops, as required to implement the document template/style guides with the organisation successfully. To do this you will need to build your confidence to present to a range of user groups.

Based on the document templates you create for Assessment 1 in your Portfolio of Evidence, you will prepare a 5-minute presentation in a professional and interesting manner to your peers. It is expected that you will review your chosen presentation format with your teacher for feedback and progress update. There are is range of presentation software that you may use to deliver your document designs for example;

- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft MovieMaker
- Prezi
- Presentation (in Google Drive - accessed through your student Gmail account)

You will prepare your presentation content based on the following areas:

- Introduce the organisational style and standards policies, procedures and requirements
- Document design strategy
- Sample of one document template (include the software package and version it has been created in)
- Briefly outline the document purpose and how it should be used

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Dissertation: Sample of one document template include the software
Reference No:- TGS02483426

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