
sales tax exemption purchase of goods meant for

Sales Tax Exemption : Purchase of goods meant for exports are exempted from sales tax including Central Sales Tax. However, the purchaser of goods has to be a registered dealer for the class of goods meant for exports. He is allowed to furnish a satisfactory proof of export of goods to the seller of goods, along with Form-H. Proof of export can be in the form of export-invoice and Bill of Lading (non-negotiable copy) or Airways Bill or postal receipt etc. The seller will then submit the proof of export along with Form-H to the sales tax Authorities.

The exporter has to fill-in Fom-H in triplicate and issue original and duplicate copies to the supplier along with! Form-15 and retain the triplicate copy for his own record. The supplier submits original of Fornl-H and proof of export to the Sales Tax Authority. Thus for availing the benefit of sales tax exemption, the exporter should first get the items concerned covered under his local sales tax registration certificate and apply for issuance of Form-H.

The exporter should enclose the following documents for issuance of Form-11.

i) Copy of shipping bill, duly certified by the customs authority.

ii) Copy of Invoice duly certified.

iii) Copy of letter of credit.

iv) Copy of confirmed exploit-t order.

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Marketing Management: sales tax exemption purchase of goods meant for
Reference No:- TGS0415049

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