
sales promotionmeaning amp definition the word

Sales promotion:

Meaning & definition: the word promotion originates from the Latin word "promovere" to move forward or to push forward. Sales and promotion are the two different words and sales promotion is the combination of these two words. Sales promotion is another important component of the marketing communications mix. It is essentially a direct and immediate inducement. It adds extra value to the product and hence promots. The dealer or consumer to buy the product. Thus, sales promotion methods aim to capture the market and increase the sales volume. It is an important instrument in the marketing to lubricate the marketing efforts. Now a day's sales promotion is a necessary tool to boost sales. In the broader sence, it is not expenditure; it is an investment, as it pays rich returns. It aims in the creating demand. It is right to say that the sales promotion moves the product. A manufacturer must make the customers to know the product and he influence them to buy that product.

According to the J. Stanton, "sales promotion is an exercise in information, persuasion and influence".

According to the American marketing association, "these marketing acivities, other than personal selling, advertising and publicity that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as display shows and exhibits, and various non - recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routinwe".

According to the P. Kotler, "promotion encompasses all the tools in the marketing mix whose major role is persuasive communication".

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Marketing Management: sales promotionmeaning amp definition the word
Reference No:- TGS0160943

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