
Sales and collection cycle

Sales and Collection Cycle:

The XYZ Company billing department has decided to assign one employee to each of its customers. This employee will be responsible for granting credit to the client and then handling the billing. XYZ believes this will result in better customer service, because the client will only have to deal with one person and that one person will be very familiar with the credit terms. As an auditor, would you agree with XYZ's decision?

Assume an account receivable confirmation is returned with a note to the auditor describing a difference between your client's records and the customer's records. Clearly describe below two potential non-misstatement timing differences that could cause a discrepancy between a client's receivable records and his/her customer's records. The timing differences you describe should be such that after investigation you would determine that your client's receivable balance is not misstated due to these differences.


Your manager, Sally, believes that nonstatistical sampling is the best method to use on the audit of YaYa Corporation. You, however, believe that statistical sampling is by far the best method. In addition, you have a great deal of training in the proper use of sampling techniques. Prepare an argument to convince Sally why statistical sampling should be used.

Before performing sampling procedures in an audit of controls, Sue set the tolerable deviation rate at 4.0%. After the procedures, she computes a computed upper deviation rate of 5.4%. What can Sue conclude about the client's controls?

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Accounting Basics: Sales and collection cycle
Reference No:- TGS01893952

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