It is essential to revise the five "Rights" before administration of medication to the paediatric group. These as you know are:
i) The right patient
ii) The right drug
iii) The right dose
iv) The right route
v) The right time
The sixth right added recently is "the right of the parents and child to know" the drug they are receiving, its action and side effect, thus reducing the chances of misuse as they would be likely to use it unsafely if they were not given the information.
For example, if the child was receiving Tablet Eptoin for convulsion and the mother had not noticed the convulsion which her child was having as they were of mild nature. She may find that after this particular medication the baby sleeps. And, hence, may administer it when the baby is irritable or crying to make the child sleep, thinking the baby will have peaceful sleep and this itself can be harmful.