
Safety and health committee

Question 1:

Peter has worked as sugar cane cutter and loader for twenty years for Belle Rose Sugar Estate. One day while Peter was collecting canes in sugarcane fields, a bell loader which was reversing crushed Peter who passed away on the spot. Fabrice, the driver of the bell loader, has been recently employed by Belle Rose SE and he fears that he may be personally liable for the death of Peter. According to him, Peter was standing too close to the bell loader in breach of the policies of Belle Rose SE and he had no way of knowing that Peter was behind him and the bell loader should have been equipped with an alarm when it reverses.

Advise (i) Fabrice; (ii) Peter’s heirs who want to sue Belle Rose SE.

Question 2:

Employers have various duties and responsibilities as regards the place of work and so do employees. Analyse.

Question 3:

Every employer should establish a properly constituted Safety and Health Committee which shall meet regularly and should appropriately discharge its functions. Critically analyse.

Question 4:

What are the safety provisions considered important in case of fire at a place of work?

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Other Subject: Safety and health committee
Reference No:- TGS06189

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