S ltd in melbourne sold 300 tons of wheat to b ltd in china


S Ltd in Melbourne sold 300 tons of wheat to B Ltd in China. S Ltd contracted C Ltd to ship the goods. When the goods arrived at the port of destination, the bill of lading was in the hands of a bank. C Ltd released the goods to B Ltd without presentation of the bill of lading. Later, a dispute arose between B Ltd and S Ltd, and S Ltd did not get paid for the goods. S Ltd has come to ask you whether it can succeed if it brings an action against C Ltd.

Additional Information:

This question is from Law as well as particularly to International Law related to carriage of goods under United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (The Hamburg Rules). The situation is about S Ltd, an Australian company which sells 300 tons of wheat to B Ltd in China with C Ltd as a the carrier.

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Business Law and Ethics: S ltd in melbourne sold 300 tons of wheat to b ltd in china
Reference No:- TGS01105481

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