
Rview the literature of a topic on database systems

Question: Review the literature of a topic on database systems & security, identify a problem of academic interest, investigate and propose solutions to the problem, and present conclusions that can withstand academic scrutiny. The paper must contain a thorough investigation of key aspects of the problem. If possible, relate the topic to professional experiences or prior research. The end product should result in a report that is suitable for publication.

Research Paper Requirements:

Optional Topics:

1. Work load balancing for databases

2. Self-healing databases

• Submit a 10-20 page paper, which must be documented using APA format.

Note: • Each paragraph in the literature review must have at least one reference.

• The format for the paragraph reference is (author_last_name, date_of_article).

• Each reference must appear in the bibliography at the end.

• The bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order.

• References that were not used in the text of the paper should not be in the bibliography.

• Do not use more than 5 words directly from a source without quotation marks to avoid plagiarism.

Specifications: The paper should be a minimum of 10 pages in length, and a maximum of 20 pages. Paper length does not include title page, figures, tables, or references.


• Title Page

• Abstract

• Table of Contents (Optional)

• Introduction

• Paragraphs with headings where appropriate

• References in the text

• Acknowledgements section if you got special help from anyone

• Reference list at the end with links where appropriate

• Figures, diagrams and tables must be numbered and labeled, and close to the first reference in the text.

• graduate level writing ability is expected

Format: One inch margins (top, bottom, sides) Times New Roman Arial 12 point font Double spaced Running head with title, name, and page numbers

Criteria for Paper Grade:

1. Compliance with APA format

2. Original work for this class

3. Creativity

4. Analysis of technical material

5. Writing ability

6. Mastery of database concepts

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Dissertation: Rview the literature of a topic on database systems
Reference No:- TGS02793454

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