
Russian federation foreign policy

Foreign Policy Process and the Russian Federation Foreign Policy:

1-In your opinion, how did the domestic situation in the Russian Federation impacted it’s foreign-policy decisions regarding Ukraine’s westward aspirations?

2-In your opinion, how did the domestic issues in Ukraine affected it’s foreign-policy decision-making? Please elaborate on both questions.

The Objectives of the Discipline:

1-Give an integral vision of international processes and the place of Russia in the international relations system;

2-Consider basic directions of the RF foreign policy, analyze its targets and tasks

3- Study the content of main regulatory and legal instruments (“Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation. Approved by President of the Russian Federation V. Putin. on 12 February 2013”, “RF National Security Strategy till 2020”).

Content of the Discipline:

– Targets of the RF foreign policy: national security assurance, preservation and strengthening of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, strong and reputable positions in the global society; creation of favorable external conditions for stable and dynamic growth of the Russian economy; active promotion of the policy on strenuous international peace strengthening, common security and stability; formation ofneighborliness relations with adjoining states; development of bilateral and multilateral relations of mutually beneficial and equal partnership with foreign states, multinational associations, international organizations and forums; strengthening of Russian trade and economic positions in the global economic relations system, diplomatic support of interests of national economic operators abroad; comprehensive protection of rights and legal interests of Russian citizens and fellow nationals living abroad; distribution and strengthening of positions of the Russian language in the world, popularization of cultural achievements of the Russian peoples, consolidation of the Russian Diaspora abroad; assistance to development of a constructive dialog and partnership between civilizations in order to strengthen consent and mutual enrichment of different cultures and religions.

Priorities of the Russian Federation in solution of global problems:

Formation of a new world order (preservation of the UN as the center for regulation of international relations and coordination of the global policy in the XXI-th century, ensuring stable global development manageability);

Supremacy of law in international relations (strengthening of legal platforms in international relations,conscientious fulfillment of international and legal obligations);

Strengthening of international security (weakening of the power factor role in international relations at simultaneous strengthening of strategic and regional stability);

International economic and environmental cooperation (ensuring of global economic and financial stability, participation in international efforts on prevention and overcoming of crisis phenomena, assistance to formation of a fair and democratic global trade-economic and currency-financial architecture, outlining of international development landmarks, widening of international cooperation in order to ensure environmental safety and opposition to climatic changes on the planet, including with attraction of advanced energy- and resource-saving technologies, in the interests of the global society);

International humanitarian cooperation and human rights (achieve global respect of human rights and freedoms by means of a constructive equal international dialog in view of national, cultural and historical peculiar features of each state, contribute to global humanization of social systems to secure main human rights and freedoms in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres, extend participation of the Russian Federation in international treaties in the sphere of human rights);

Information support of the foreign political activity (provision of wide circles of world community with full and accurate information on the position of Russia concerning basic international problems, foreign political initiatives and actions of the Russian Federation, processes and plans of its internal social and economic development, achievements of the Russian culture and science);

Regional priorities (development of the CIS, formation of the Eurasian Economic Community, further transformation of the SCTS into a universal international organization, assistance to formation of the Republic of Abkhasia and the Republic of South Ossetia, normalization of relations with Georgia, ensuring of a truly partnership interaction between Russia, European Union and the USA, activation of mutually beneficial bilateral links with European countries, development of relations with NATO based on equal partnership principles, strengthening of positions of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region, development of amicable relations with China and India, cooperation in the UN Security Council, “Group of twenty”, BRICS, East Asia summit, SCO and other multilateral associations, assistance to achievement of civil peace and agreement in all states of the Middle East and North America, strenuous strengthening of relations with countries of Latin America and the Caribbean basin);

Structures liable for formation and implementation of the RF foreign policy (RF President, RF Federal Assembly, RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, RF constituent entities).

“sources/references” On Foreign Policy Process and the Russian Federation Foreign Policy Formulation:

1. Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation. Approved by President of the Russian Federation V. Putin. on 12 February 2013.


2. Marcel De Haas. Russia’s Foreign Security Policy in the 21st Century: Putin, Medvedev and Beyond (Contemporary Security Studies)

3. Roger E. Kanet. Russia: re-emerging great power.


4. Stephen J. Cimbala autofilled. Russia and Postmodern Deterrence.

https://books.google.ru/books/about/Russia_and_Postmodern_Deterrence.html?id=yTUnEf0ltP0C&redir_esc=y. https://www.amazon.com/Russia-Postmodern-Deterrence-Challenges-Twenty-First/dp/1574888145

5. Manfred B. Steger. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction.


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