
Running the simulation a number of times determine the

Because cane toad toadlets (see Project 14) are initially quite small (9-13 mm) and lack the extreme toxicity of other life stages, they are quite vulner-able to predation. Metamorphs grow very rapidly at first (0.647 mm/da; Zug and Zug 1979), but the rate of growth is density dependent. The earliest metamorphs are generally found within 1 m of the water (Cohen and Alford 1993). Survival is influenced by desiccation and predation, varying from 1.2% to 17.6% (Lampo and De Leo 1998). Susceptibility to desiccation is reduced with increased numbers of retreat sites available to the toadlets. Develop an individual-based simulation of toadlets near a pond that in-cludes a moisture grid and predators and that does not allow the toadlets mi-grate off the grid. Attempt to adjust parameters so that survival is as indicated. Running the simulation a number of times, determine the percent that survive and the mean toadlet size at the end of 1 year. Indicate your assumptions and discuss your results.

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Econometrics: Running the simulation a number of times determine the
Reference No:- TGS02199944

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