
Run the pla starting from w 0 until it converges plot the

For the double semicircle task in Problem, vary sep in the range {0.2, 0.4, ... , 5}.

Generate 2, 000 examples and run the PLA starting with w = 0. Record the number of iterations PLA takes to converge. Plot sep versus the number of iterations ta ken for PLA to converge. Explain your observations.

Consider the double semi-circle "toy" learning task below.


There are two semi circles of width the k with inner radius rad, separated by sep as shown (red is -1 and blue is +1). The center of the top semicircle is aligned with the middle of the edge of the bottom semicircle. This task is linearly separable when sep 2: 0, and not so for sep k = 5 and sep = 5. Then, generate 2, 000 examples uniformly, which means you will have a pproximately 1, 000 examples for each class.

(a) Run the PLA starting from w = 0 until it converges. Plot the data and the final hypothesis.

(b) Repeat part (a) using the linear regression (for classification) to obtain w. Explain your observations.

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Electrical Engineering: Run the pla starting from w 0 until it converges plot the
Reference No:- TGS01696092

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