
run the following c program with and without

Run the following C++ program with and without preprocessor variable POSTFIX defined.


using namespace std;

extern "C" int atoi( const char *str );

struct Node {

int i, j, k;

Node() {}


int main( int argc, char *argv[ ] ) {

int times = 10000;

switch ( argc ) {

case 2:

times = atoi( argv[1] );

} // switch

vector v( 10000 );

vector::iterator vi;

volatile int j = 0; // ignore, prevent loop elimination

for ( int i = 0; i < times; i += 1 ) {

for ( vi = v.begin(); vi != v.end();

#ifdef POSTFIX

vi ++


++ vi


) {

j += 1; // ignore, prevent loop elimination




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C/C++ Programming: run the following c program with and without
Reference No:- TGS0208003

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