You have an APA paper. It has to be on the 4 teaching styles of Diane Baumrind. Please research and review Diana Baumrind's (4) Styles of Parenting:
1. Authoritarian.
2. Permissive.
3. Neglectful.
4. Authoritative.
Write a paper: APA Style, Times New Roman, 12 Font, 1" Margins, Double Spaced. Paper will consist of five pages -
Page One is the Title page which has a total of 5 lines;
Page Two is the Abstract Page which has 3 - 5 sentences, less than 150 words;
Page Three and Page Four are the Body Pages;
Page Five is the Work Cited Page.
Essentially the paper is two body pages and is typed in a double spaced format; this is tantamount to one page of writing by hand, no more!