
Rs 232 and eia 530 interfaces for serial communication

1) Describe how Gateways are dissimilar from Routers. State which device is efficient in handling network traffic.

2) Write down the difference between Application level and Network level Interconnection.

3) Describe the classifications of computer networks.

4) Describe different design issues which need to be handled in layering approach.

5) State the components used in Data Communication System. Describe the different communication tasks associated  with the system in detail.

6) Describe the techniques that are used to perform Analog to Digital conversion and Analog to Analog conversion.

7) Describe RS 232 and EIA 530 interfaces used for Serial communication.

8) Describe how wireless transmission is performed using Radio wave, Microwave and Infrared waves.

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Computer Networking: Rs 232 and eia 530 interfaces for serial communication
Reference No:- TGS012150

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