
Rs 101you will create and publish a multi-page website

Web Project

As your major assignment for the course, you will create and publish a multi-page website dedicated to some topic learned during Parts 2 or 3 of our textbook.


1. main topic:Scared Symbol, Myth , and Doctrine.

2. Build a home page for your website based on your chosen topic.

? Your home page should:

o Introduce the main topic.?o Explain the topic's importance in the study of religion. oInclude research beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia)

? Your home page should also link out to your sub-topic pages: Metaphor, Parable, and Story, Religious Myth?3. Build at least two additional sub-topics pages to expand on the main idea.

? Your sub-topic pages should include:

o Explanatory information of the sub-topic (historical, cultural, etc.)

o An image/photo that complements the sub-topic or relates to it in some way.

o Audio or video related to the sub-topic (YouTube). oResearch beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia)

Requirements for Web Project:

? Create& publish a 3 page website (1 home page & 2 sub-topic pages)

? Write a minimum of 200 words for the home page.

? Write a minimum of 300 words for EACH sub-topic page.

? Use at least 3 college level sources beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia)

? Include citations for all of your sources including photo credits for images ?borrowed online at the bottom of each page.

? DO NOT SIMPLY SUMMARIZE THE BIBLE STORY OR THE INFORMATION FROM THE TEXTBOOK. Do your own research and explain your understanding of the concepts in your own words. ?See below for sample scenarios and previous student work.

Example Scenario:

For instance, you might want to create a website about Religion and Ethics. You would create a home page that introduces the main idea and then links out to the two individual pages, which are related to some issue that is connected to the main theme, say, a page about Virtue Ethics and another about Natural Law.

Weebly, Blogger, and Wordpressall offer FREE hosting and are excellent resources to use for this assignment.

Sample Student Webpages:

? https://oluwatosinreligionproject.wordpress.com/

? https://rs101-cosmogonybybeasley.weebly.com/

? https://brianwrightrel101.weebly.com/

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Other Subject: Rs 101you will create and publish a multi-page website
Reference No:- TGS02139155

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