
Routh criteria-essential conditions for transfer functions

1) Determine the Laplace transforms of the following functions: 

(i) sin3t,

(ii)  tsin2t.

2) Write down the applications of Laplace transforms.

3) Describe ideal and practical voltage and current sources in detail.

4) What are the basic circuit elements and their duals? Explain them in detail with suitable example

5) Describe Tree and Rank of the graph.

6) Describe unit step function, unit ramp function, unit impulse function and unit doublet function.

7) What do you mean by resonant frequency.

8) What are shifted functions? Explain gate function in terms of unit step functions.

9) What are poles and zeros?

10) What is a transfer function? Write down the essential conditions for transfer functions.

11) What do you mean by  Routh criteria?

12) Write names of various types of filters.

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Electrical Engineering: Routh criteria-essential conditions for transfer functions
Reference No:- TGS010243

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