
Rotary electrical actuator for mechatronic application

Q1. The internal customer has asked you to list all the factors which you would take into account in choosing a rotary electrical actuator for the mechatronic application. Provide the list for them.

Q2. A stepping motor in use for the mechatronic application is to have its acceleration time raised and its deceleration time reduced.  How would such adjustments be implemented?

Q3. It has been decided to enhance the resolution of stepper motors employed in your company's products. How can this be accomplished most cost-effectively?

Q4. Illustrate the specification names given to the given stepper motor characteristics?

a) The maximum load torque which can be placed on the motor shaft without loss of steps.

b) The maximum torque which can be applied to a powered-up motor with no shaft rotation.

c) The fastest stepping rate which can be applied to a motor accelerating from rest, devoid of loss of steps.

d) The slowest step frequency to which the motor will accurately respond.

e) The range of frequencies between (iii) and (iv) above.

f) The greatest load that the motor can cope with for a given stepping rate and accelerate to its operating speed devoid of loss of steps.

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Mechanical Engineering: Rotary electrical actuator for mechatronic application
Reference No:- TGS010076

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