Flexible Budgeting
Rostom Hospital is building a budget for the next fiscal year. All patients fall into three DRGs, DRG 129, Major head and neck procedures (DRG weight = 2.3284), 243, Cardiac pacemaker implant (2.6695), and 935, Non-extensive burns (1.4717). The expected volumes for November 2017 are 50 patients in DRG 129, 30 in 243, and 20 in 935. Only two services are provided, nursing and radiology. Nursing bases its budget on patient days and radiology bases its budget on x-ray RVUs (relative value units). Build the monthly budget for both departments information below.
DRG Patients ALOS Pat. Days RVUs per case Total RVUs
129 50 5.4 _______ 5.0 _______
243 30 4.5 _______ 4.0 _______
935 20 5.0 _______ 2.0 _______
Total _______ _______
Nursing Budget Radiology Budget
Fixed Labor $4,000/mo _______ $10,000/mo _______
Variable Labor $100/day _______ $30/RVU _______
Supplies $24/day _______ $18/RVU _______
Depreciation $20,000/mo _______ $10,000/mo _______
Prof. Fees -0- __0 ___ $40/RVU _______
Total _______ _______