
Rosa is a newborn as she grows which will she learn to

1. When planning group times, which of the following is NOT recommended?
A. Review goals.
B. Consider group size.
C. Identify possible room distractions.
D. Keep child participation at a minimum.

2. "If we put this ice cube out in the sun, what do you think will happen?" This is a/an __________ question.
A. explanation
B. divergent thinking
C. observation
D. convergent thinking

3. Shania said, "I ated it all up!" Her teacher, Mr. Sims, should:
A. not respond since Shania said it incorrectly.
B. find a time during the day to teach Shania the correct way to say it.
C. . say, "You ate it all up? That's great!"
D. teach a lesson during group time on the past tense of eat.

4. "Sarah be nimble, Sarah be quick, Sarah jump over the candlestick" is a good way to:
A. greet children in the mornings.
B. call children to group time.
C. transition from group time to another activity.
D. say goodbye to children at the end of the day.

5. Teachers evaluate circle-time activities by:
A. observing child behaviors.
B. judging which parts were learned.
C. comparing outcomes to goals.
D. videotaping them and watching teacher behaviors.

6.Teachers usually ask more of this type of question even if it is not recommended:
A. recall.
B. divergent.
C. convergent.
D. open-ended.

7.Mrs. Bates watched David work a puzzle that he had chosen from the ones she put on the table. She listened and commented when David made guesses at the correct location for the pieces. This is an example of a/an __________ activity.
A. structured
B. unstructured
C. child-initiated
D. child-centered

8. Kayla is 18 months old. She looked at Mrs. Crenshaw and said, "seblisboo." Mrs. Crenshaw did not understand any of what Kayla said, but her best response would be:
A. "Say that again slowly."
B. "Did you want to go outside?
C. "Speak clearly. I can't understand you."
D. "You don't mean it!"

9."Stand if you had orange juice for breakfast and move to the door" is a:
A. reward statement.
B. positive reinforcement statement.
C. transition statement.
D. statement increasing child memory.

10. An in-depth investigation of a topic selected by a small group within a class is a:
A. project.
B. plan.
C. curriculum.
D. lesson plan.

11. When learning a finger play, children usually learn the __________ first.
A. actions or words
B. rhythm and measured beat
C. melody
D. rhymes and pauses

12. Chants contain:
A. rhythmic word patterns.
B. finger plays and action body plays.
C. short songs.
D. choruses.

13. Researchers believe that engaging children in daily conversations could be up to __________ times more effective than simply reading to them.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 10
D. 12

14. Which is an example of recasting?

Child: "I went to the beach."
Teacher: "The beach is fun. I like playing in the sand and watching the waves."

Child: "I went to the beach."
Teacher: "That's nice."

Child: "I went to the beach."
Teacher: "Let me teach you how to write the word beach."

Child: "I went to the beach."
Teacher: "Maybe you can draw a picture of the beach later and tell the class all about it."

15. Activities that are repeated each day, calling each child by name, and introducing words to songs without the music at first are all important considerations for group time when:
A. working with young preschoolers.
B. second-language learners are present.
C. striving to foster speaking skills.
D. nurturing active listening.

16. At circle time children:
A. don't always sit in a circle.
B. sit an equal distance from one another.
C. should sit in the same spot each day.
D. should sit in small chairs placed in a circle.

17. Margaret told Sam, "Don't put the baby in the stroller. It might fall out." This is an example of __________ speech.
A. representational
B. instrumental
C. regulatory
D. interactional

18. Blowing a soft bird whistle to gather children to circle:
A. was not recommended but is a good idea.
B. is okay but flicking the lights is a good idea, too.
C. might work well and a gathering song is good idea, too.
D. All of the above

19.Karen asked, "Where does rain come from?" The best response for her teacher is:
A. "The clouds."
B. "I don't really know, Karen."
C. "How could we find out where rain comes from?"
D. "That's really hard to understand, Karen."

20. If conducting a group with 2 and 3 year olds their group participation may depend on:
A. how many children are present.
B. whether they like who they are sitting next to.
C. their feelings of trust and security.
D. whether they are touching and feeling the same objects as their peers.

21. Those who study research usually recommend that early literacy instruction in a preschool should concentrate on:
A. rhyming, alliteration and fluency, and phonics and printing.
B. letter naming, vocabulary, the alphabet principle, print awareness, and phonics.
C. phonics, rhyming, phonemic awareness, printing, and the alphabet.
D. phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency.

22. Research shows that __________ percent of three- and four-year-old children can consistently identify rhyming words.
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

23.Speaking, listening, writing, and reading comprise what is known as:
A. emergent learning.
B. curriculum.
C. communication.
D. language.

24. Noted early childhood experts worry that preschool reading-skill instruction activities may:
A. reduce play time.
B. intimidate parents.
C. accelerate mental growth.
D. lead kindergartners to be bored in kindergarten.

25. Which is NOT true about Common Core Standards?
A. It is controversial in the teaching of reading.
B. It is a standard reference for reading teachers.
C. All states will be forced to comply with these standards.
D. It shows an advance is rigor and content.

26.Invented spelling is all of the following EXCEPT it:
A. is ultimately replaced with conventional spelling.
B. often uses letters to represent entire words.
C. is a taught skill, not a natural one.
D. is an attempt to spell a word based on the writer's knowledge of the spelling system.

27. Transitional kindergartens have developed to:
A. increase language skills over the summer.
B. take the place of regular kindergarten
C. work with unruly children before kindergarten.
D. let parents know their child lags behind.

28. Rosa is a newborn. As she grows, which will she learn to control last?
A. Her arms
B. Her hands
C. Her fingers
D. Her head

29.The language arts are:
A. thought to include six arts areas.
B. interrelated and interdependent.
C. separate, distinct areas of study.
D. not taught until kindergarten.

30. Which is NOT a prerequisite skill for handwriting?
A. Letter perception
B. Left-to-right understanding
C. The ability to form triangles and squares
D. A desire to write

31.Hannah's mother said, "Hannah is such a pencil-and-paper kid." It is likely that Hannah:
A. does not enjoy being read to.
B. will learn to write early, forming her letters perfectly.
C. will be a good reader.
D. has an interest in writing earlier than her peers.

32. Alphabet letters and numerals:
A. are graphic representatives for words.
B. are representative symbols.
C. should not be introduced until kindergarten.
D. None of the above

33. If you ask a young child to give you a red ball and he brings a blue one, the child does not possess the word red in his __________ vocabulary.
A. sight
B. reading
C. oral
D. growing

34.The speed and accuracy that individual children display in naming alphabet letters is called:
A. consistency.
B. fluency.
C. articulation.
D. velocity.

35.Goals of early childhood centers might include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. each student having the ability to print every lowercase and uppercase alphabet letter.
B. printing in a lineal left to right direction.
C. relating writing to other language arts areas.
D. blending sounds in a few words.

36.Ms. Hadaway asked Carly if she would like her name on the paper. When Carly said that she did, Mrs. Hadaway should have written it in the __________ corner.
A. upper left
B. upper right
C. lower left
D. lower right

37.Considering physical growth, preschoolers' printing attempts can be described as:
A. controlled and uniform.
B. accurate and time-consuming.
C. facilitated by large-muscle development.
D. writers of tiny print.

38.Which of the following is TRUE of reading methods?
A. Whole-language has been proven to be the most comprehensive reading method.
B. Quality literature aids success for all reading methods.
C. A 1:2 teacher/child ratio is the best scenario for teaching reading.
D. Experiences focused on written language are the most beneficial to children.

39.Which of the following is true about new ideas regarding children's writing development compared to older ideas?
A. Speech and listening were thought to be accomplished without direct or formal teaching.
B. Older ideas said that children should not be taught to print and read until they turned four years old.
C. Writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills were thought of as developing in the same way.
D. Children were declared mature enough in kindergarten and first grade to have the skills necessary for instruction to print and read.

40.Most early educators would agree that learning to read is a process that begins:
A. at birth.
B. with a child's first scribbles.
C. with a child's first spoken words.
D. when the recognition of uppercase and lowercase letters is mastered.

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Dissertation: Rosa is a newborn as she grows which will she learn to
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