
Ropps has been shown to be an effective preventing

1. Death for vehicle related injuries account for ____ of all deaths for US young persons aged 15-24

a. one quarter

b. fourty percent

c. one half

d. two thirds

2. ROpPS has been shown to be an effective preventing accidental injuries and deaths in wha hazardous occupation?

a. fisherman

b. electrician

c. dock worker

d. farmer

3. According to text , why was the federal williams steiger Act Passed?

a. to require employers to povide wages designed to give workers a reasonable standard of living

b. to provide workplace for employees which was free from hazards which could cause death or serious physical harm

c. to prevent violence in the workplace during strike situations

d. to prevent chicldrean under the age of 18 from working more thn 8 hours during a regular shift.

4. An example of injure producing energy is

a. an overdose of sleeping pills

b. a falling person

c. an accidental poisoning

d. an accidentally trnsmitted HIV virus

5. One of the single most important risk factors for unintentional injuries is

a. gender

b. alcohol

c. place

d. age

6. chapter 11 from your text reveals that there are many persons affected with severe mental illness in prison. what is the most difficult thing about releasing these persons back into society where there may no structured activity?

a. inability to control criminal instincts

b. difficulty in obtaining medication to remain compliant with the terms of their release

c. trying to change their personalities to fit into new social situations

d. tendency to develop bipolar disorders.

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Other Subject: Ropps has been shown to be an effective preventing
Reference No:- TGS0612095

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