
Roots of the characteristic equation - variation of

1. eit = cos t + i·sin t, t ∈ R.

2. ay′′ + by′ + cy = 0 (a ≠ 0)

its characteristic equation:

ar2 + br + c = 0.

3. Method of Undetermined Coefficients: If in the equation

ay′′ + by′ + cy = g(t), a ≠ 0 e's t ∈ I

the right-hand side function g(t) has the form

g(t) = eut (An(t) cos(vt) + Bm(t) sin(vt)) ,

where An(t), Bm(t) are polynomials of degree n and m respectively, then the particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation has the form:

yi,p = tseut (Pk(t) cos(vt) + Qk(t) sin(vt)),

where s is the multiplicity of the root u + i·v among the roots of the characteristic equation; further, Pk(t) and Qk(t) are polynomials of degree k = max(n, m).

4. Variation of Parameters Method: Consider the inhomogeneous d.e.

y′′ + p(t)y′ + q(t)y = g(t) t ∈ I

and its homogeneous part Y′′ + p(t)Y′ + q(t)Y = 0. If the y1, y2 pair is a fundamental solution of the homogeneous d.e., then a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation is looked for in the form yi,p = C1(t)·y1(t) + C2(t)·y2(t), where for the derivatives of the unknown functions C1(t), C2(t) the following system of equations holds:

C′1(t)y1(t) + C'2(t)y2(t) = 0

C′1(t)y1(t) + C'2(t)y2(t) = g(t)

5. Special second order d.e.'s:

If y is missing, then substitute p(x) := y′(x).

If x is missing, then substitute q(y) := y′

6. The first order d.e. M (x, y)dx + N (x, y)dy = 0 is exact, if

∂M/∂y = ∂N/∂x

To solve the d.e., a function F : R2 → R has to be found such that gradF = (M, N). Then the solution of the d.e. is:

F (x, y) = Const.

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Mechanical Engineering: Roots of the characteristic equation - variation of
Reference No:- TGS02438714

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