
Rooms division department and the financial department

Question 1:

In a period of economic recession and low room occupancy, devise and describe the outlines of a marketing strategy with view to increase

(i) The sale of rooms

(ii) Rate of occupancy

(iii) Duration of stay

(iv) Rooms turnover in terms of revenue

Question 2:

Explain the following words wit use of appropriate illustrations:

i) Paid out

ii) Corporate rate

iii) Crew rate

iv) Rack rate

v) Back-to-back rate

vi) Airline rate

Question 3:

Explain in detail the duties and responsibilities of Front Office Manager and describe why he/she is a key player in the Rooms Division Management?

Question 4:

Explain the relationship between the various sections of Rooms Division Department and the Financial Department. Support your answer with real life examples from the industry.

Question 5:

Describe how and why the Rooms Division Management is heavily dependent on effective communication system. Support your answer with suitable examples.

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Other Management: Rooms division department and the financial department
Reference No:- TGS06081

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