Question 1: What are the different factors which find out the rolling resistance of the train?
Question 2: What do you mean by Adhesion and what are the factors which influence it?
Question 3: What do you mean by the term Balancing Speed?
Question 4: What are the different factors that determine that how much trailing load can be joined to a locomotive?
Question 5: Name the two parameters which find out the starting tractive effort of the locomotive.
Question 6: Name the different parameters which find out the safe lifting load of a crane.
Question 7: Why a match wagon has been given in 140 ton Diesel Breakdown crane?
Question 8: What is the main purpose of outriggers given in a 140 ton diesel breakdown crane?
Question 9: What are the main functions of the Mechanical Department? Name the organization of the Mechanical Department in the Railway Board?
Question 10: Name the organization of the Mechanical Department at Zonal headquarters? Describe the duties of the Mechanical HODs.
Question 11: Write brief note on any two of the given:
a) DLW
b) CLW
c) ICF